This is the state of Christianity in our day. Sadly that people can disrespect Christ and His Church in such a way:
Simply Incredibly Abhorrent!Houses of Worship Are Reaching Out To a Flock of Pets
By Elizabeth Bernstein Staff Reporter of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
For the first time in 10 years, Mary Wilkinson went to church one Sunday in January. She sat in a back pew at St. Francis Episcopal Church in Stamford, Conn., flipping through a prayer book and listening intently to the priest's sermon.
What drew Ms. Wilkinson back into the fold was a new monthly program the church introduced -- Holy Communion for pets. As part of the service, the 59-year-old retired portfolio manager carried her 17-year-old tiger cat to the altar, waited in line behind three panting dogs to receive the host and had ... ... ailf%3Dyes