John MacArthur Attacks Amillennialism...
Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:28 am
March 2007
Is nothing new that Rev. Dr. John MacAthur is a foe to Amillenialism and a friend of Dispensationalism, but his recent attack on Amillennial Escathology during this year's Shepherd's Conference has made many Amillenialists very unhappy: ... thur-.html
My own comments on John MacArthur's views:
Is nothing new that Rev. Dr. John MacAthur is a foe to Amillenialism and a friend of Dispensationalism, but his recent attack on Amillennial Escathology during this year's Shepherd's Conference has made many Amillenialists very unhappy:
For more on the topic:"He said Amillennialism was intrinsically Arminian, and that every self-respecting Calvinist should be premillennial!" "He even said that Calvin would be premillennial were he alive today!" ... thur-.html
My own comments on John MacArthur's views:
Greetings in Christ,
Although he has not yet realized it (I hope one day he does), respected Dr. John MacArthur has successfully diagnosed "his own" problem. In his first sermon at the Shepherds Conference after pounding Amillennial eschatology for about 15 minutes, Dr. MacArthur said:
- "If you get Israel right you will get eschatology right, if you don’t get Israel right, you will never get eschatology right, never."
The moment I heard those words I thought to myself, “that is exactly the problem he has, he has not gotten Israel right and THEREFORE his eschatology is so WRONGâ€